Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What happens with the Galaxy Note S Pen 5? – Hypertext

It seems that there can be large terminals launches its big case without controversy. Although it is something that has happened in life with technology products, the first great exponent smartphone of things to come was the iPhone 4 with its “Antennagate”. The black iPhone 5, meanwhile, is peeled, as happened to the HTC One S, and the iPhone in June came the “bendgate”. A Samsung also touched something in Note 4 between the edges and the screen was too much space, which was known as “Gapgate”. How could it be otherwise, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, and has its case, the Pengate or S Pengate .

The Pengate is no more the problem that occurs when you insert the S Pen backwards Note 5. In the previous models, the S Pen came in one direction only, but now comes in two, causing many users to insert it that way if not they are paying close attention. In addition to you can stay locked , as we shall see in the video that we Android Police, the S Pen breaks the sensor detection , which we know is in charge of, for example, turn on the terminal when the famous stylus is removed.

As in other gate , again it is a media that tragic case

As I said, does not seem serious , but I do think a major design flaw, especially considering that in previous models was better resolved. Maybe this year, to be removed with a type pen click and not pulling him, have not thought about that possibility.

As you have found a redditor, manual in PDF Note 5 does include warnings (such as we see below) on the position where you should not insert the S-Pen. The problem is that it is a sign that for many users can be invisible, as the manual is not physically included with the terminal.


We have contacted Samsung and we are awaiting a response on this matter. If that is correct, the non-release of Note 5 Spain could be good news after all because, finally arriving, would the corrected model, but that is pure speculation. In any case, I think There are more important issues to be corrected by the manufacturers of smartphones , and these details are often left at the end pure anecdote. In the case of Samsung, as the company itself has admitted, the stylus is used very little , which makes think that the problem also is less.


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