Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Death Note, HD – Los40

At a time now we are coming jewelry anime several years, taking advantage of the rise of Bluray allow us to enjoy them in a way that still we had not been. Recently it comprobábamos with the release of Samurai Champloo , and now the latest example of this trend is Death Note , whose relaunch in HD owe a again at Selecta Vision , reaffirming its leadership in distribution of anime.

Death Note was a boom from the manga beginning in 2003, so it was inevitable that had animated version, which came in 2006. An intelligent argument, as had not been seen to date, a struggle between good and evil with supernatural elements, embodied in two of the smartest people in the world.

the story begins in the world of the shinigami (god of death), who spend their lives pointing in a notebook the names of the people who have to die when it reaches its time. There we see a Ryuk , which bored of that work decides to throw his notebook to the world of mortals with their instructions targeted to have fun with the experiment. Fortune (or misfortune) wants the notebook ends up in the hands of Yagami Light , one of the brightest students from all over Japan.

While Light is reluctant at first, as anyone would be to find such an object, curiosity leads him to test the notebook with a criminal who was robbing a bank and discover that its power is real. One of the rules of Death Note is that if the cause of death was not chosen, this occurs within 40 seconds of a heart attack, which Light He expected to go as evildoers ending this way people start to think that a divine judgment is being carried out and crime decreases, shaping your perfect world. The only downside, you need to write the real name of the person you want to kill and keep in mind your face.

Of course, this plan will call the attention of L , pseudonymous the smartest detective in the world, initiating the investigation to bring “ Kira ” (the “alias” with which you begin to know this entity that kills criminals behind which lurks Yagami ) to justice. Throughout the 37 episodes that lasts the series, we will witness the game of cat and mouse between the two characters, because acting elements of another world history, L must discover what is the method used to kill and catch the culprit in the act.

with an argument like this you can see that is not a series of frantic action as others, in fact the sleeve Death Note already it stood out for its wide range of speech bubbles. Being a more mental than physical confrontation, we will see all the arguments that perform to stay one step ahead of the other, and get checkmate give them the victory of the game.

So if you are fans of this kind of more serious and less fantastic animes (despite the supernatural elements that adorn the main rivalry), Death Note well worth you to take A look. The pack with the first 19 episodes of the series arrives in early July.

The Peli Netflix

Such has been the success of the series across the globe people Netflix has already launched the production of a film. This is supposed to arrive next year and although we would bet (at least) for a mini-series, we hope you know how to respect the argument and the intensity of the series.

The cast has already been chosen, of left to right: Yagami, L and Mia ; Protas of Death Note .

Although it is a photomontage, here is the “ Yagami Light ” American, next to shinigami real image of the Japanese movie (which was a). We’ll see what do yankies to represent the “god of death”.


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