Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Photo Galaxy Note 7 brings back the version with flat sides – CNET in Spanish

The alleged Galaxy Note 7 flat sides.


a filtered Wednesday photo revives rumors suggesting the existence of a Galaxy Note 7 with the flat sides.

the Nowhereelse site of French origin and which has a good record of successful leaks, he published a couple of pictures of the version with two flat sides, without the characteristic curvature of above the Note and Galaxy S Edge.

the site mentions that it is an image of a prototype, so maybe Samsung dispose of this model. the image of Note 7 without curved sides causes some commotion because most most reliable leaks suggests that only the model with curved sides of PHABLET be launched.

However, the history of Samsung gives rise to speculation that there may be two versions of Note 7, a TV and another with curves. In recent years, Samsung has released a version of its flagship phone with curved sides and another version without (being the first one the most expensive model).

So far, the only official is that Samsung will hold an event on August 2, which will present this phone. Is expected to PHABLET is waterproof, expect microSD slot, a Snapdragon 821 processor and 6GB of RAM, and run Android Marshmallow.

CNET in Spanish will be present at the event to bring all new Galaxy Note 7 and of any other product that is advertising in it. Meanwhile, you can know what we know about the Galaxy Note 7, including specifications and functions more rumoradas here.


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