Sunday, July 31, 2016

#UnoceroEnCorto: GO Pokémon phone plans, Galaxy … – unocero (blog)

UnoceroEnCorto Pont & # XF3; n

Hurrah! He arrived on Friday and also reached a new episode of #UnoceroEnCorto with Aura Lopez Jose Antonio Ponton. !? How

Find out why is Aura, but also find out about the most important news that happened this week: Amazon Fashion comes to Mexico; now you can share with up to four other people your downloads Google Play ; there are new plans phone to play Pokémon GO; all about the upcoming launch of the new Galaxy Note 7 ; and


What do you think of the change? Remember all share with us your comments and suggestions, either here or on YouTube, so Aura (or Ponton?) To read them next week.


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